We have received word that the government of Guinea-Bissau has formally recognized Kosovo’s independence. A heartfelt thank you to their government officials and Mr. James Berisha for making this possible. Please show them your appreciation by sending them a personal thank you note.
Archive for the ‘Flight News’ Category
I’m still enjoying the progress of this mission so far, despite the extreme stress encountered nearly every time that I have to deal with those nonsense permits required in every country.
The way that I figure it, it only takes basic math skills to understand that it would be much better to eliminate these nightmare permit requests. By doing so, these countries could have many more airplanes land at their airports, which means that they would also put more money into the local economy through the other fees required upon landing (parking fees, fuel charges, etc.), not to mention the money that visitors would spend for such simple things as taxis, hotels, restaurants, etc. Instead, the complicated process of gaining permits inhibit people from landing in these countries because all of the bureaucratic paperwork, pre-planning, back and forth requests, various waiting periods, etc., which all lead to a miserable time for the pilots that do land here.
I guess that many of the countries that I’ve visited so far are basically broke, so maybe they think they are bringing in money through all of these fees and hoops that they make you jump through to get there. In reality, they could make much more money being friendlier to incoming pilots and their air visitors. Instead, less airplanes coming in means that no extra money can be brought into their economy. Not to forget that it isn’t just this country with all of these complicated rules, there are many that I’ve visited that have the same sort of process for entry. Again, my basic math skills lead me to believe that these practices work to destroy the countries financial base and hurts their own people through trying to stick to an ideology that is not working effectively.
Needless to say, I did encounter these struggles in my visit to Cameroon. Despite all of the official requirements for entry, I ended up having to work around these. The permit that I was approved for was only intended to allow me to make a technical stop in Yaounde, the capital. Usually, a technical stop allows you to make a stop out of necessity only (refueling, diversion flights due to weather, stopping for physical needs, unpredicted circumstances, etc.). However, I was able to land in Douala instead. I am very lucky that I was able to stay three days there, since I did not have the right permit to do so.
Upon arrival in Douala, I was met by friendly people with a great sense of customer service. Thanks to my new friend, Onana Denis Gaeian, I was well taken care of. He spent half of the day with me, helping me get everything taken care of at the airport (getting fuel, paying my fees, flight planning, etc.), providing rides to and from the nearest hotel and assisting me with arranging a bus to the administrative capital of Cameroon, Youande
It’s always a good feeling to be in a foreign country and have someone local whose willing to help you out. Mr. Gaeian brought me to the bus station in Douala so that I could travel to the town of Youande, Cameroon’s administrative capital. The bus ride was an additional four hour ride that night. After flying 7 hours straight and dealing with airport paperwork both before flying and upon landing here, I ended up not getting to Youande until after midnight.
After a good night’s sleep, I awoke ready to face the tasks of the day. As usual, I hired a taxi driver – this has become a necessity in order to get anything done in a timely manner in regards to our mission. My driver today, Mr. Daniel Kenmene, is another very humble and wonderful person. He knew the town really well and was very pleasant to spend the day with.
In two full days, we were able to accomplish quite a bit together (even if we were running around like madmen). While we were going from one media house to the next, we didn’t even have time to eat a proper meal. Instead, we lived off snacks from sidewalk vendors in order to make the best of our time and get the most accomplished.
Thanks to the great people at the newspaper ‘Le Jour’, the journalist Mr. Beaugas-Orain Djoyoum who interviewed me and his boss Francois Xavier Luc Deutchoua; To Mr. Hugues Marcel Tchoua, with the government newspaper, Cameroon Tribune; Mr. Alphonse Nkoa-Anaba with Radio Anaba 87.0 FM. A big thank you to Mr. Georges Alain Boyomo, who wrote a wonderful one page article at the newspaper Mutations, and his boss, Mr. Leger Ntiga, who authorized its publication; The newspaper Le Messager and Ms. Nadege Christelle Bowa for her great in depth interview; Mr. Jean-Patient Tsala (another great person who knows Kosovo past and present really well) and our interview with ‘magic FM’ – that was and interview that I will remember for a long time; The great team at radio RTS Radio Tiemeni Siantou 90.5 FM who gave me another great interview –Mr. Eugene Messina, Eric Boni Face Tchovakeu. We had lots of fun talking about many great topics, from the culture similarities and differences between Africa, Europe and Kosovo, as well as other topics of life in general. Finally, I don’t want to forget my appreciation for the awesome team and Canal 2 of Cameroon – Ms. Cathy Toulou Elanga and Marius Kouosso. Both of them had a great personality and were a joy to speak with.
I’d like to say one additional thing here, in regards the African media. I have been continually surprised at the receptiveness of the media here in Africa. I am, of course very grateful and appreciative of their time and attention to our cause. They are such an important part of helping to raise awareness of our nation, our people, and our future. They have published and transmitted many excellent articles, radio transmissions, electronic transcripts and video reports. I never gave much thought to it before traveling here, but the media here is much more receptive than some I have encountered in the past. Folks, it saddens me to admit this, but this portion of our mission has been much more successful in getting media coverage transmitted to the rest of the planet than the coverage from our own country, where my heart is. It seems like Flying for Kosovo should be the primary focus of our media in Kosovo, as far as getting the word out to the rest of the world, especially since it would be so beneficial to our people and nation to know about these other countries in the world and how we can build better relations with them.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs were all very professional and respectful, I owe them a big thank you for having organized a meeting with me on such short notice. Mr. Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, General Secretary at the MFA was extremely knowledgeable about Kosovo’s independence and the desire of our people. He said to me “Mr. Berisha, we all know that Kosovo’s independence is irreversible and that [Cameroon’s] government can’t deny that, but that they would have to be careful on how to proceed with this delicate matter in order not to create a situation that would damage his countries interests and position in the world. Vlora Citaku’s letter was hand delivered to him and he assured me that the Minister himself would get the letter shortly. It was the Minister himself who initially authorized Mr. Ngoh to see me. He apologized for not being able to receive me personally (and on such short notice) since he had The Vice Minister of China in his country at the time.
The city of Youande looks very nice. A lot of the buildings have French-style architecture. Again, the French were very involved historically in developing this part of Africa. Even today, it is French and English that are the official languages of Cameroon. The best part of this town, however, was the boulangeries, or French bakeries. What a treat my friends! Many of you might not know this, but I have lost weight on this trip due to my bodies intolerance to certain of the foods that I have tried. So I thought I was in heaven being able to eat a fresh, French pastry here.
Cameroon Tribune
Le blog de Tchoua
Le Messager PDF
Niger is the 20th country since I left Kosovo. It feels so good to know that there is some progress finally being made on our mission after all.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that our mission would have come this far. When I initially began our mission Flying for Kosovo, my goal was to complete the Central and South American countries. During that time, I faced many struggles that made me wonder if I would ever be able to finish. But friends, it is only with the help of you all that I am able to move forward. Your love and financial support are a very important part of our mission and without you we would have never been able to accomplish such great things.
We have been able to do some fantastic work so far here in Africa. Again, without everyone’s presence and support, it would have been impossible to reach this point in our journey around the globe. Many times I have underestimated our ability to accomplish so many things. Despite all of the struggles though, thanks to god, I have so far been able to keep my head above water and keep going. On my worst days, I think of all of your support and excitement for our cause and it keeps me going.
Technically though, it would generally be advised to gather a small battalion of people to keep up with our workload, but we have been able to maintain progress with just a handful of people working day and night, across continents and with many other lives to live in addition to the volunteer work that they do in support of our mission. Thanks again to all of you that have been a part of my life and the mission for our great people of Kosovo.
Back to Niger. I arrived very late in the evening to the capital city of Niamey. I felt right away that I would see progress in my short stay here. There are nice roads, lots of fancy hotels, etc. People seem very friendly here already and I am starting to get comfortable here rather quickly.
The first hotel that I stayed in was okay, except that I have never slept on a harder bed in all of my life! But it was late and I didn’t have the energy to complain too much or look for a different one that night. So the next morning I decided to change hotels and ended up finding one not far away. The 2nd hotel fit my needs much better and even allowed me to take a quick shower if I wanted, which would not have been the case at the first one. After all of my travels, I am realizing here in Africa that the hotels tend to turn the water boilers off during the day. After early morning (when most people take showers), it is often hard to find a hot shower, even though you tend to pay $50USD or more for a night at these hotels. Even the worst motel in America would have much better accommodations, but I can’t afford the fancy hotels here, so I’ll take a luxurious shower during the day when one is available to me.
I get off to a great start in the morning, meeting with a bunch of media personnel thanks to my new grandpa, Mr. Ousmane Abdou, who will be my taxi driver for the day. He drives a basic Suburu car, which he keeps very clean and neat. It is a pleasure to spend the day with him. We make a lot of progress due to his efficiency and knowledge of the city. He also apparently has many friends around here, has a great personality and a wonderful awareness of life in general.
Thank you to all of my media friends who were very professional and expressed lots of interest in learning and reporting about Kosova’s independence. Thanks to Mr. Ibrahim Elhadj, with the newspaper Roue De L’Hisoire; Mr. Saliou Youssoufou and his boss Mr. Moussa Aksar with the newspaper L’evenment. The team of the newspaper Le Republican, Mr. Gorel Harouna and his boss Mr. Maman Abou (who had a similar view of life as me); Mr. Moussa Douka, with the newspaper La Griffe-Niger who took his valuable time to interview me; the wonderful and funny team at Le Canard Dechaine; Mr. Issa Mossi was excited to write something about Kosova to his people and government; Mr. Balima Boureima with Radio Bonferey 105.0FM of Niger was also professional and gave me a great interview; Mr. Seyni Amadou of Dounia TV, an excellent leader who organized a television interview with Mr. Adili Toro Agali – the team there were all very young, active, punctual and very professional.. Finally, the government newspaper, Le Sahel, also sent a journalist to interview me at the hotel conference room. Mr. Seini Seydou Zakaria was very interested and knowledgeable about our history because he had a cousin that worked in our country for over three years with the UN. All of these great people make our mission so much more valuable. Without their time and interest in our cause, we would not be able to raise awareness with the people and the government in each country about the importance of our mission.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs were great. Chef du Cabinet, Mr. Elhadj Moussa Amadou and his partner Mr. Mansou M. Hadj Daddo, Counseiller Technique Du Ministre, accepted Vlora Citaku’s letter in order to present it to the Minister himself. My conversation with Mr. Amadou was a pleasure, as he was very down to earth, humble and respectful. He showed great enthusiasm about presenting our case to his boss. He promised that he would not only talk to the Minister but also pass the word around to his colleagues in the Ministry about the importance of our cause.
As far as climate here, it is very hot and dry. In some ways, I am reminded of my days in Alaska, not because its cold here (rather the opposite), but because of the extremes I am experiencing in this country. For instance, both Alaska and Niger are nearly twice the size of my beloved Texas and they are both very desolate environments. In Alaska, I lived and flew over tundra in extremely cold temperatures. Here in Niger, I am flying over vast desert sands which produce extremely high temperatures. Also in both lands, many people live of the land, or live a subsistence life, in order to survive. Unfortunately, here in Niger, there is often drought conditions which are unsuitable for farming, so many times the people living outside of the cities are forced to rely on food aid from outside countries.
One thing that they seem to have plenty of here in Nigher though is livestock. This country has been my best experience so far on our mission for Africa in regards to food. They have a tradition here of cooking freshly cut goat and sheep over an open fire. Lots of people stop at these stands in town to buy this specialty, as the cooked meat is very tasty and tender.
Finally, I’ve been able to experience another unusual thing here in Niger. This is my second time visiting the river Niger, the third largest river in Africa. My first encounter was back in Bamako, Mali and now Niamey. The people here in Niger call the river a ‘fleuve’, the French word for river.
Evenement Bihebdo
La Roue De L’Histoire PDF
Le Republicain
Burkina Faso
On to another country and it continues to amaze me how fast that we humans can adapt to a new life and new surroundings. It’s been more than two months now that I have been on the go, flying all Africa and I’ve been able to see some really fascinating, beautiful, unpleasant and chaotic things. You name it, I’ve probably seen it.
But no matter what you’ve seen in the past, no matter what spoiled, rotten lifestyle you’ve lived beforehand, pretty soon, people and faces all become the same to you: human. Within a few days, you start to get the hang of the newest culture and your body and mind begin to fit right in. You begin to identify the differences and commonalities in each place: similar traditions, different lifestyles, similar climate, different geography, more or less organized than the last place, clean or chaotic looking, etc.
Here in Burkina-Faso (which was renamed in 1984 and roughly translates to ‘men of integrity’ or ‘land of honest people’). I’ve met some great very warm and wonderful people who are known as Burkinabe.
It looks like there has been some progress here as far as infrastructure (nature, parks, monuments, buildings, restaurants, etc), though not too much within the government. Blaise Compaore has been the sitting President for the past 23 years. I also see that there isn’t much work here. Many locals tell me that they are used to going to Cote d’Ivoire or Ghana to work seasonally (though recently there has been some tension with Cote d’Ivoire).
It’s hard to learn a lot about a country though, when you are moving at the speed of sound. So the easiest way for me to learn about each culture is through conversations with the local taxi drivers. From them, I learn all sorts of things from them about their country, culture, lifestyles, traditions, etc. They are my University. I even pay tuition with all of the fares that they charge me.
Here, my new taxi-driver friend is Mr. Issaka Zoungaana. He is calm, friendly, down to earth and readily admits that he has no education and has never really been to school. Still, he is a nice person who is trying hard to make ends meet for him and his family and it makes me happy to help him gain some money. Despite not being very comfortable all day in his car, it was kind of funny that it was as squeaky and creaky as my friend’s car in Senegal.
Though this country has already recognized our independence, I am making a stop here anyway. I have found on my travels that just visiting and expressing thanks to these countries is very beneficial. This has been confirmed to me many times so far, since people will recognize me and stop me on the road, to start talking to me about our country Kosovo, usually at border checkpoints and with officials at the airport. When I meet with the media and local officials, they are always grateful to hear from us and about our appreciation for their country and it usually ends up with more local talk being generated us. It’s an indirect way of lobbying to these countries that are often closely connected. Especially here in West Africa, many people have family members in surrounding countries, are married to someone from another country and often cross borders to work in a neighboring country. So these stops really help to build relations and get our name out there.
The media people were absolutely amazing here. They really appreciated the fact that the people of Kosovo respect them and have a place in our hearts for their country. Mr. Issa Bebane, an excellent writer who is an apprentice at the newspaper L’Observateur, wrote a two page article that his boss agreed to publish. My great friends at the Sidwaya newspaper were excellent. Mr. Gabriel Sama not only interviewed me and wrote a one page article, he was kind enough to introduce me to the entire office staff of Sidwaya and give me a tour of their facilities. His bosses, Mr. Ibrahiman Sakande and Mr. Rabankhi Abou-Bakar Zida, were very humble gentlemen who were happy to authorize the article. My other friend, Ms. Dembele Francoise at Le Pays newspaper also wrote a good article (authorized by her boss Mr. Mahorou Kanazoe) and the television station, Canal 3 also did an in-depth interview. Thank you to Mr. Mahamadi Ouedraogo for his time and attention and his boss Mr. Soulama H. Innocent who authorized that one.
Finally, thank you to the radio stations here, which are very popular due to the historical importance of the oral tradition. Ms. Salamata Lankoande with RTB (Radiodiffusion Television du Burkina) was awesome and very professional, with both European and Burkina values. She usually lives in Germany and has been doing work down here for the past four months. Thanks to her boss, Mr. Arsene Evariste Kabore who authorized the interview. Mr. Francois Yesso with Pulsar Radio 94.8 gave me almost one whole hour of radio talk live on his station with all of his great working team there.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs here were very appreciative of Kosova’s people and took comfort in knowing that we have lots of respect for them. I was able to meet with several of the Ministry’s personnel, including the Minister’s secretary. However, it was a very somber meeting since they were all sad to have started a new year after just losing the Minister’s wife, who passed away on the first of January.
Lastly, I would like to recognize the friendly staff at the hotel Bellevue. They were very respectful and appreciative and showed a great sense of customer service. They were great examples of the sense of compassion that I’ve experienced in this country. It would be my joy to come and visit the people of this wonderful country again. They are very open and willing to talk to you and don’t hesitate to make you feel at home and comfortable in their country.
It is weird, but after a few days with people in each country, I begin to get used to the surroundings and accustomed to the way that each system works. Just when I become comfortable and settled into everything, it’s time to move on again and start all over. Though part of me wants to move on to my next destination, there is a part of me that is sad to leave the new friends that I meet in each country.
Many times, I feel like I am enrolled in a University to get a degree, being exposed to so many different countries, cultures, traditions, landscapes, etc. and learning about the tiny details that make each country unique. But instead of having a whole semester with each country, I am learning at a the speed of sound many times. I often feel like I am learning so fast that my brain and body can’t keep up with each other. Just when I start to learn about these things, my body is already off to another country.
One thing that I have come to realize during all of this, is that we humans tend to judge other humans a lot. We begin to judge their country, their continent, their religion, and we create a category for them and mark them as bad. We especially tend to think that those people who are less fortunate than us are bad, mostly because we create a negative image of them in our heads. We are usually wrong.
The basic fact that I am learning is that we are all more alike than we are different. We all usually have the same values: we all want to make sure that are families are taken care of, that they are fed, have a roof over their head. We all want to live in peace and be around loved ones. If we could all learn this vital fact, then our world would be a much friendlier place.
Anyway, back to Mali. This place has a much drier climate than the previous countries that I’ve visited in the last few weeks (most of Mali is located in the Southern Sahara) and I notice quickly that the people here are wearing the same colorful robes (called boubous) that I’ve seen in the other West African countries. I’d probably be wearing one too if I lived hear because of the climate.
Once again, I am saved by speaking French. Like other countries around here, Mali has a history of French rule. In 1991, they gained a new constitution and became a democratic, multi-party state. Maybe that fact has something to do with the political and social stability that I sense in the people here here, they seem so friendly, calm and at ease.
Upon arrival, I notice that the Bamako’s airport looks pretty decent and that there is improvement and construction going on. I’m greeted by friendly people and my favorite part – taxis that are available outside of the airport. It always seems to be a good sign to me in a new country when the taxi drivers actually wait for you to call them instead of all of them bombarding you at once, wanting your foreign money. Even still, their fares never match what the airport employees tell me it costs for a ride to town. No matter where I land, I guess that if you are a foreigner in a foreign country, you are paying extra and the local rules don’t apply – even if you’re as broke as the locals.
After negotiating the taxi fare, I went to town to look for a hotel. The first one that I visited wanted $50USD/night. I would have stayed there, but the building was falling apart and they were not willing to bargain on the price, so I kept looking. Since I was going to be staying here for at least four nights due to the upcoming holiday (most administrative places will be closed, so completing my mission work will be slow), I wanted to make sure that I would be safe and that my hotel would be tolerable to sleep in. The second hotel was a bit more pricey, but was in better condition and I could see myself staying here safely. Despite my bargaining efforts, this hotel did not go down in price either. At least the front desk staff were friendly.
The next morning I am up early and it’s Friday, the 31st of December. I have no clue if I will be able to accomplish anything because of the holiday, but I will at least try. So I hired a taxi man with a nice car, but also high on price. Thankfully, he did agree to go down some on his price, but not enough as always, although he did seem to know his way around town.
Since 90% of this country is Muslim, I also have the fact that today is prayer day working against getting anything accomplished. After trying three different media houses, I was about to give up on the thought of making any progress. My luck changed when I was able to obtain an interview with Les Echos newspaper. Ms. Aminata Traore was called in by her boss to speak with me. Though she did a great job, the interview was held in a location that was getting ready for the New Year’s celebration. They were decorating and preparing food all around us.
After the interview, I went back to the hotel and thought that I was done for the night and the rest of the weekend, but thanks to my new friend Aminata and her friends, I was invited to the party that evening. What a wonderful experience, to celebrate New Year’s in foreign country, even though I am so far away from my own home.
The rest of the weekend went on without any major accomplishments. I was even allowed a few lazy days to catch up on my writings and was able to explore capital city. I noticed that there are many newly built roads here in Bamako and, to my surprise, many beautiful parks, monuments, statues, etc. Not to forget the beautiful river of Niger, which flows through the middle of town.
My taxi driver over the weekend, the great Mr. Diarra Koniba, was very funny (except that there was no bargaining with him about the price). He was very pleasant to be around and had lots of great wisdom. During our time together, I was asking him questions about his government and if they were doing good for his country and people. He responded in French with a very funny answer: “Lorsque j’ai demandé à mon ami Mr. Koniba sur ce que fait le gouvernement malien afin d’améliorer la situation socio-économique du pays et permettre à la population d’avoir plus de chances à l’accès aux services de santé et d’éducation, Mr. Koniba m’a répondu que même la plus belle femme du monde ne peut pas donner à son mari ce qu’elle ne possède pas à l’exemple de la beauté!” Which roughly translates to “even the most beautiful women in the world, she is unable to give something to her husband that she does not have”, meaning that no matter how good his government is, they are broke and can’t go beyond their means. They have nothing more to give.
The media here were excellent thanks to Ms. Traore for the excellent Les Echos article that was already in the newspaper Monday morning. I owe a big thank you to the rest of the journalists in Mali and their bosses, for the time and care that they took to learn about Kosovo’s independence. They were all really happy and keen to write something about our country so that the people of Mali and their government would know our wishes. Mr. Soumaila Guindo with the newspaper L’independent was very professional and took lots of care; Mr. Boukary Daou with the journal Le Republicain; Mr. Brettima Doumbia with L’Essor, a government newspaper; and Mr. Mahamadou Kane with Radio Kledu 101.8FM and his assistant Ms. Dieneba De’Me Diallo who wanted to share Kosovo’s independence in www.oustafrikablog.net. Finally, I don’t want to forget my great friend from the hotel Mirebeau, Mr. Coulibaly Samba. We discussed Kosova quite often during my stay and he was able to call a good friend of his. Mr. Bakary Nimaga, who is a political and successful businessman. Many times, Mr. Nimaga contacted the President of his country to discuss Kosova’s independence and the will of our people.
Mali’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs were very receptive thanks to Mr. Salifou Diabate, Chef du Cabinet , was friendly and took time to listen to our viewpoint and formal request from the people of Kosovo as far as our independence is concerned. Ms. Vlora Citaku’s letter was again hand delivered and I was assured that follow-up would be sent to Ms. Citaku shortly.
Off to Burkina-Faso.
Le Republicain
Le Republicain PDF
Le Echos PDF
I reached Cotonou (the coastal town in Benin where all of the major facilities and international airport are located) in the early evening and tried to find a hotel somewhere near the city center so that I could get things done faster in the morning and not have to drive for miles and miles wasting time. This was when I found out the hard way that the traffic at night in the capital is miserable. This seems to be a common theme in these West African countries and so is the common shortage of electricity. But when you are a visitor like me, you only find this out when you end up in the middle of a blackout.
The hotel I found was okay, except that I started freaking out when I saw all of those mosquito’s flying around all over the place. The more I travel in Africa, the more paranoid I become ever time I see a little mosquito because I am worried to death about catching malaria. Since the disease is carried by mosquito’s, I am constantly spraying myself with bug spray and praying like heck that I don’t get bitten! So I beg the reception desk here at the hotel for some bug spray so that I could spray my room and go out for a few hours until the poison has killed off the mosquito’s and faded away, otherwise you have a big mosquito like me dying in there.
The next morning, I wake up early and find a taxi. Here we go, off and running again. Since it’s the end of the year, I need to get stuff done quickly before they close everything down for the holiday. Thanks to my new friend, taxi driver Michael Bidouzo, I am being driven around from media house to media house for my interviews. Thanks to God that the main language here is French. At least I was able to converse with everyone.
The first media person that I meet is from the newspaper L’Autre Quotidien. Mr. Brathier Leon was wonderful to spend time with. He wrote an excellent article that was published the very next morning. I learned a lot from him and always find it interesting when I am able to see the world through the perspective of someone else. Even though we are from different countries on different continents, Mr. … is an educated man who shares the same principles that I do about wanting to live happy and free. What a great conversation we had. He had a very interesting view of Russian politics, explaining that Putin and Medvedev were running the government over there like political gymnasts, switching places all of the time to accommodate the outside world.
Thanks to the rest of my media friends who did interviews and are now friends of the Kosovar people: Maximin Tchibozo, Director of Publications at Le Matinal, who authorized Mr. Wilfred Noubadan to give me an interview; Mr. Samuel Amoussou and Eric Djekpe who were very nice at the newspaper, Le Beninois Libere; Chimelle Gandonou and Euloge Rolland Gandaho with the newspaper Le Matin; the excellent team of journalists at the Ocean FM Radio 88.7, Ms. Carine Doukloui and Mr. Ricardo Loic Kpekow; Ms. Sonia Megbemadu, who organized an interview with the funniest and greatest team at Golfe television, Mr. Rock Williams Segnissou and Gaston T. Afaduhouande (who, in less than a few hours, had our mission and our request to the government of Benin transmitted on the evening news); and finally, Andre Dossa and Imourane Issifou with the Canal 3 TV of Benin.
After meeting with the media, I was able to meet with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs himself, Mr. Jean-Marie Ehouzou who is a very humble man who took me into his office with no pre-arranged appointment. I was able to hand deliver Vlora Citaku’s letter to him as he was explaining his government’s position on Kosovo and the reasons that Benin has not recognized us yet. He mentioned that he was following our progress closely and personally agrees with our independence. He did mention, though, that there are some reasons that he had to wait a little longer and that Serbia and Russia, were also (of course) trying hard to lobby against it, which we already know.
The people of Benin are very nice. They appear open-minded and very aware of world affairs. Cotonou seems to have a very nice infrastructure, much better than some other West African countries and they are right on the coast, so the view was also beautiful. But aside from the main cities (Contonou and Porto-Novo), most of the country relies on subsistence farming (with the tropical climate down here, they are able to produce a lot of cotton to export). Though this country has a little ways to go to catch up with more developed countries, I see a lot of motivation in the local people to make they country progress.
I’m happy that I was able to make some excellent accomplishments in Benin. I learned a lot from these wonderful people. Good luck to the great people of Benin.
Time to change countries again. Next up: Mali.
Though the main language here is French, there have been many cultural influences and it is a country with a rich cultural history. In fact, the countries in this area of Africa were once known as the ‘slave coast’ because they provided trade access via their sea ports. This particular country has a big port and still has lots of merchandise and containers that are coming and going from all over the world.
I am also finding that this part of Africa is not centered religiously around either Christianity or Islam. Both of those religious views seem to be a minority here as indigenous beliefs represent the largest religious group in this country. This makes sense when you realize that in this small country alone, there are about 40 different ethnic groups and I have met only wonderful people here in during my short stay.
Since Togo is a small country, I hope to finish my mission work quickly and be off and running. The next morning, I found a taxi driver for the day. Mr. Kazmirt Pedomey knew the city very well and was driving me from place to place in no time.
Thank you to all my journalist friends and their bosses. Mr. Gabin Koissidjin with the newspaper Forum De La Semaine. Regis Talikpeti and Joachim Kokou Loko and his boss with the newspaper La Matinee and Dounia Le Monde, Didier LeDoux with the newspaper Liberte. My good friend Erik Gato for his radio interview and who really took pride in his work in studying each of his discussions on the radio interview.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs were wonderful when I went there. I met with the Minister himself, Mr. Elliot Ohin, who was very receptive and Vlora Citaku’s letter was hand delivered. Mr. Ohin seemed really enthusiastic about things and life in general and knew Kosovo’s case in detail. I’m unable to give more details of our meeting due to privacy concerns and other sensitive reasons.
Economically, Togo seems to be doing okay, but there is always room for improvement. Politically, the country has a slight history of political unrest. The most recent being with elections in 2005 when more than 400 people were killed and 40,000 Togolese fled to neighboring countries.
I enjoyed my short visit here and wish all the best to this country and it’s wonderful people.
FORUM de la semaine 1, 2 PDF
I had a very long and nerve-wracking flight from Liberia to Ghana today when I had to fly over lots of jungle and spent over four hours flying over the Ivory Coast, a country that is on the verge of a civil war. Friends, it felt very strange to fly over a country where there is a lot of killing going on. Before this, I thought that flying over some of the Latin American countries was bad, with all of the coca fields that they had below. But it was definitely more scary to fly over a country where I know that people are killing each other. I was really hoping and praying that no one would shoot me down up here in the sky.
Thanks to god that I made it to Ghana in one piece and landed in the early evening with no big surprises. After I secured the airplane for the evening, I entered the VIP exit of the airport. It looked very nice and it reminded me of the comfort of being in an FBO (fixed base operation station) in the USA. This was my first experience of Ghana. It was refreshing to have a pleasant entrance into a country and into an airport where everything was working correctly and not broken down. In no time I was out the door and trying to find a taxi driver.
As soon as I was out the door, there was a taxi waiting to take me to the downtown area. I always ask to go toward town upon arrival to a new country because I want to be close to everything that I need the next morning (media houses, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.). Otherwise, I would waste too much time trying to get from place to place. So the taxi driver takes me to a hotel within my budget, the Niagara Inn, which turned out to be an excellent choice and had all of the things that I look for in a hotel (cleanliness, friendly people, coziness and an okay location). Again, a refreshing experience!
Once at the hotel, I was able to meet the owners right away. They were very warm upon first impression and they live there as well, which always makes me feel more secure. Mr. Wajih El-Mawas is the owner. He is a very nice gentleman who is originally from Lebanon, but has spent most of his life right here in Accra, Ghana. I felt very comfortable staying here with the owner and his wonderful family on the premises. Mr. El-Mawas is a successful businessman who owns many hotels and jewelry shops here in town.
The next morning, I woke up early in order to get to work right away. Luckily, Wajih’s son, Ammar, offered to drive me around for the day in order to get my mission work done. The day went well and I was able to meet with the excellent Ms. Reina Baah Sackey, the Deputy Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hand delivered Vlora Citaku’s letter to her. Ms. Sackey promised that the letter would reach the Minister’s hands promptly and that she would do anything within her power to help as far Kosovo’s independence is concerned.
As far as the media, I am very pleased to report that I had great luck. Since freedom of the press is guaranteed in the Ghanaian constitution, I had no problem finding journalists who were willing to cover our story. I owe a big thank you to the following people, who were all excited to share some news about Kosovo with their people and their government: Mr. Musah Jafaru and his boss at the Daily Graphic newspaper were great. Kingsley Asare with the Ghanaian Times; Justice Appiah and his boss at the Daily Dispatch; Ben Ephson and Mr. Umaru Sanda with the Citi FM radio; Ms. Perpetual Quaye with Sky TV; and my great friend Mr. Sedem Ofori, a wonderful intellectual who gave me a great interview with the radio station Joy FM who helped me to get everything organized at his station very quickly. Finally, let’s not forget Mr. Kofi Akpabli, a journalist who recently won the 2010 CNN Multichoice African Journalists Arts and Culture award and who is a good friend of Ms. Lamia Tagzout from Algeria (who is also still trying to help our mission).
Since I left Morocco, Ghana seems to be doing the best so far economically. There is great infrastructure here and the people appear to be well-educated and open-minded, with lots of talent everywhere. This makes sense when I learn that Ghana is one of the world’s top producers of gold, cocoa and oil and has a very strong agricultural economy (almost ½ of the population is employed in agriculture). It also has one of the highest school enrollment rates in West Africa and all classes are taught in English.
Though I’ve only been here a few days, I can already see that the Ghanaian people are trying very hard to better their lives and are interested in having their country progress. The mentality here seems to be that if anything can be done to improve their nation, they are willing to do it.
Radio Interview
After being taxed like hell in Sierra Leone, I finally made it to Liberia. I landed just before dark, parked the aircraft and in no time I was out the door. My unexpected friend, Richard Zawiea was already waiting for me with a bill from civil aviation authorities for their services. But he seemed extremely nice and is just an employee of someone else, so he can’t do anything about it. This airport in Liberia is far from being cheap (very much like Sierra Leon) and having a USA aircraft does not help. They think that the USA can afford it, but they don’t stop to think if every individual can afford it though.
I got into a taxi and was greeted by nice, calm and easygoing gentleman, Mr. Alfred Kromah, who drove me to town which was about 60-70km away from the airport. I was glad that I was not still in Guinea, otherwise I would have been asked to pay 20-30 times more than we agreed on to take a taxi.
Alfred was very patient with me (which helped a lot) as I tried to find a hotel within my budget. He drove me to at least 6 of them and all were extremely high priced. Because of his patience, I told him that I needed him for the entire next day. This made him feel good and gave him some work that he deserved. Patient pays off at times.
Finally, I got a hotel. It was still past my budget, but after seeing the ones just before this that were in such awful condition, I had no choice but to pay this price. At least for the $50USD, I did not have to worry about hearing strange noises all night long…
The next morning, I attacked the media right away and had a very successful day overall. I did five national newspaper, 1 national television and one local radio interview. Thanks to Jerome W. Toe and his boss Kenneth Best at Liberian Observer, Joe K Roberts at New Democrat, Mr. Musa Kenneh (which gave me two interviews, one at Real TV and Truth FM 96.1 radio station), Mr. Nicholas Dweh Nimley with the News, Doe S.K. Davies with the In Sight newspaper and finally, Philip N. Wesseh with the Inquirer newspaper. I owe all of them a lot for their time and the attention that they dedicated to me. They were all extremely happy to know that they were really appreciated by the people of Kosovo and our government.
Thanks to the Deputy Chief of Protocol Mr. Rancy S. Torkpa who dedicated some time to my visit, even though I had not pre-arranged a meeting. He also was grateful to know that we Kosovars respected his country and had lots of appreciation for the people and government of Liberia.
The people here are very friendly and open. They all seemed to be talking and saying hello to me, even though they didn’t know me. This is such a great thing to experience in a new country, especially one so far away from home. I suspect that their reception of me, may have something to do with a long history of US-Liberian relations. This country, Liberia denotes “liberty” and was originally founded and colonized by freed American slaves and other slaves that were freed from local slave-trading ships. It’s capital city, Monrovia, was named after James Monroe, the 5th President of the US who was a prominent supporter of this colonization.
During a time when they themselves are trying to recover from some of their countries past, the people of Liberia seem so enthusiastic and positive about everything In the 1980’s, Liberia suffered two brutal civil wars and many people died. The effect of these wars are still seen on the economy today, as many people here live on less than $2/day.
Still, this country seems to be doing better than the past few. There is a much better infrastructure here. It felt so great to go into an air-conditioned store here and have supplies from all over the world. Not to mention the luxury of having coolers that work where I could get a real cold drink. It’s been awhile since I could get something cold to drink. Many of the stores that I have had to visit recently have much difficulty keeping proper items and foods in the stores and also keeping the shelves, cans, etc. free from dust and dirt. Lastly, the taste of fresh tropical fruit with a nice cold drink really helped me to maintain some sanity! Of course, where there is tropical fruit, then there’s definitely tropical weather, which means that it is very wet and warm down here too…
The one familiarity of the past few countries and Liberia is one that I could have done without… the shortages of electricity happened daily. This did not help to keep up on all of the communication that I must do through the internet. At least here, they still managed to keep everything working and neat. The UN definitely has a big presence here, they are seen everywhere.
Now it’s time to head for Ghana and attempt to overfly the Ivory Coast. Wish me luck ladies and gentlemen because that country is currently in it’s own civil war right now and has had a lot of political unrest. Hopefully, in 7 hours time, I will be in Ghana.
Ivory Coast & Cote d’Ivoire
Due to civil unrest in Cote d’Ivoire, it was highly suggested to James that he should not visit this particular country.
In 1893, Cote d’Ivoire became a French Colony and in 1960, it became completely independent of France. Though it was always considered the Ivory Coast by the Western World, in 1985, the country requested that Cote d’Ivoire be used officially.
In the 80’s, the country went into some economical crisis and in 1999 and 2001, there were two coups d’tats and a civil war. Currently, there are still possible unrest over the recent election. Indeed, thousands of refugees have already fled since then.
Thanks to God that James was able to fly over this area for four hours and not get shot down.
Sierra Leone
No matter how short is the flight between departure and arrival airport, with the nightmare of airport bureaucratic nonsense, you always end up spending at least half of your day dealing and shoveling paperwork around. Today’s flight to Freetown was only 45 minutes, which went well over all, except that I arrived in Sierra Leone after the hours allowed by the airport authority. I didn’t realize that it closed early due to maintenance.
Things were going well so far, I was getting a great reception and was excited to thank the Sierra Leone people and government for their recognition of Kosovo. Little did I know yet that this place would end up costing me an arm and a leg due some very high charges that you would never see in the normal world. It seems like the worse off a country is economically, the more money they want for services. Despite trying to straighten things out over the phone and through written emails, it still ended up costing me over $700USD for my 1043kg, single engine plane. In the normal world, you could land an airliner aircraft for that price!
Additionally, Safe Skies, the airplane handling company was being really difficult. They ended up charging me another small fortune. I’ve never paid so much in my life! Especially since there wasn’t even AVGAS involved and they were just the result of some other nonsense charges that they just added to my invoice to please customs.
Zainep Bah, an airport handling agent, helped me to go all the way to town to make sure that I was not lost somewhere half way to the city. From the airport to the capitol city, you have to take a taxi up until you hit the dock where all of the boats are parked. Since Freetown is on a peninsula, you have to take a ferry or a speed boat to town. Speed boats take about 20 minutes and a ferry close to one hour. If you were to take an auto taxi it would take about 8 hours since there is a lot of wetland and swamps that you would have to go around to get there.
Since I arrived on a Friday, I was off to find a hotel for the night. It was not in the best condition, but I had no choice and had to deal with it. On Saturday morning, I woke up early and Zainep was again willing to help me out. This time, talking to the media. I would like to thank Ibrahim Kanu, who met me early in the morning and who stayed and helped me for the next two days. He was my guardian and introduced me to many great people while in Freetown. I was able to complete three wonderful interviews with national newspapers. Thanks to Mr. Ishmael Kindama Dumbuya with the Standard Times, Mr. Jon-bu and William Freeman with Awoko newspaper and Joe Minah with the Exclusive Newspaper for their interviews.
On Sunday, I could not do anything explore Freetown and the beaches until Monday, when I could meet with the MFA. It is always exciting to me to explore a new city in a new country. Though everyone here looks different and there are many ethnic groups, most of the people I meet in a new country are very nice and welcoming.
Like the past few countries, Sierra Leone has had a checkered past. Since it is the third largest natural harbour in the world, it was once used as a trading post for slaves and it was only in 1960 that it gained independence from Britain. After that, there were many different government administrations until the 1990’s when the country entered civil war and many people died. By 2007, a lot of drug cartels were using this country as a base to ship drugs to Europe. The newest administration has worked hard to try and change this and maintains good relations with Western countries.
Mr. Ibrahim V. Kondoh, who just took office as the Director of Protocol was very appreciative of the fact that the people of Kosovo have lots of respect for the people and the government of Sierra Leone. I asked him and his Ministry to try and help Kosovo with other African countries. He reassured me that this was part of their commitment to a new country that they themselves have accepted as an independent nation. Overall, it was a great meeting.
Now, it is time for me to fly for four hours to the next country and I have learned that if I ever visit Sierra Leone again in the future, I will be sure to fly a commercial airliner instead of a private plane unless I have a fat wallet.
The Daily IIJ
Awoko Newspaper
Standart Time PDF
Short flight from Guinea-Bissau to Guinea compared to some long ones in the past. Thank you to the Civil Aviation of Guinea and the airport personnel who helped me get my clearance to their country much faster than the normal procedure of 3-5 days in advance. The help of our friend from the Guinea-Bissau tower was also a positive contributing factor.
Landing and parking the aircraft here in Guinea gave me a better sense of security overall than previous two countries. One thing that I quickly realized (which did not take long at all) was that they love the $$$ in this country. Even to come and say hello to you they expected you would give them something as a tip right away. I guess they expect me to handout $100 bills to everyone that has an exposed badge and works at the airport.
My taxi driver who looked like the big shooter type businessman comes with the attitude of telling me “Do you know how much I charge for my services”, I said no, I don’t. “$75USD to bring you to a hotel and bring you back to the airport.” Right away I made it clear to him that he could stop the car and let me take another one and that all I was willing to give him 10000 African Francs (equal to about 15Euros and was all that I had) otherwise, I would not use him. He tried to give me some nonsense of security concerns and that I was safe with him. I found out later that you could get a yellow cab type taxi for 3-4 Euros to get to town, so he still made 10 extra Euros off of me.
I also quickly realized that the hotels were expensive, especially for the quality that I was getting. The first hotel we entered was $120USD. It was more than my budget allowed and nothing special, so I kept looking.
For the next two days, I was busy chasing the media for interviews. Thank God I speak French or I would have never made it down in this part of the world. Guinea, and many other countries in this area were colonized by the French many years ago, so many people still speak that language.
I owe a big thank you to Mr. Bah Abdoulaye, who interviewed me with L’Observateur. He was excellent help to me during my two day visit in Guinea. Not only did he interview me, but he brought me to several other newspapers in town and knew exactly where they were located in town.
His partner, Mr. Mamadou Dian Balde, editor in chief of the newspaper L’Independant also wrote an excellent article about our request for the government of Guinea to recognize Kosovo’s independence. I liked the tone of his article and the title ““James Berisha, Pilote Kosovar Nous demandons a la Guinea de reconnaitre l’independance du Kosovo”, which basically means that we are requesting that the government of Guinea recognize the independence of Kosovo. Very explicit and straight to the point.
Mr. Nadhel Diallo from radio FM Liberte 101.7FM also deserves a big recognition for the wonderful in depth interview that he did on his radio. He had many great questions and was pushing his government to do something about Kosovo’s independence.
Next, I went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They were great in receiving me, especially since I had no pre-arranged meeting planned in advance. Mr. Bakary Fofana, Minster of Foreign Affairs, was very aware of my visit to Guinea and took great time in telling me that his country was well aware of our request to be recognized as an independent nation. He expressed to me that the people of Guinea really cared about their brothers and sisters in Kosovo. He told me that the letter that I hand delivered from Vlora Citaku, our Minister of Foreign Affairs, would be forwarded to the higher chains of command also. So it was a successful meeting.
The country of Guinea itself has seen some political unrest in the past decade or so. It was only last month that they voted for a new president. The election itself had to be postponed several times and the locals are very insistent on gaining a non-military president..
Despite being one of the poorest countries in the world with a history of corruption, the people of Guinea were very nice. They all seemed to comprehend and know the values of their country. I’m very glad that I was able to communicate with many of them in French.
L’independant PDF