Flying for Kosovo

Recognize Kosovo's Independence!

Glorious Day for Flying for Kosovo

Posted by admin On March - 23 - 2009

We have painted the tail of our plane with the flag of Kosovo. We are very proud of the work that has been done, and are very happy to say that the identity of our aircraft and the identity of Kosovo have become one and the same. After the plane was painted, James hand washed every inch of the aircraft from the nose to the tail, and while doing this he was asked “The plane is going to be exposed to many elements during your trip, how do you intend to keep it clean?” James looked at the freshly painted flag of Kosovo, and with a glimmer in his eye he responded:

“Though I will not have time to wash the entire aircraft every time I land, I will always wash the flag and make sure that it shines bright enough for the whole world to see. Because when I see the colors of Kosova I don’t just see a flag, I see the mountains, the rivers, and the people of my country. When I see my flag I remember people of the past who have fought so hard and died for my country, and I think of the future of our children who deserve happiness and should never have to experience fear and uncertainty for standing on the ground they were born on. This flag is so much more than just paint, the image represents something so profound for so many people and while I am alive I will never let it become clouded with dirt.”

-James Berisha

The aircraft is currently undergoing maintenance and an annual inspection to make sure she is airworthy and prepared for the task she is about to be given.  There will be a few more modifications to the exterior appearance of the aircraft in order to compliment the flag and state James’ purpose in this journey.  On both sides of the aircraft we plan on putting the words “Please recognize Kosovo’s Independence!” in English and in Spanish, if you have any suggestions as to the wording of that phrase feel free to send an email to and let us know, we will consider your suggestion. We will have more updates for you soon, so please check back often.

25 Responses to “Glorious Day for Flying for Kosovo”

  1. Fatmir says:

    Well done, Mr. Berisha. I really like the Cessna painting tail.
    Do you plan making a hop to BKPR?


  2. Betim says:

    I’m proud to have one man Like YOU.You are alive Legend.
    Mr.Berisha with this initiative you tel the others that Albanians people are more respectful and honest than thay thought.

  3. Albani says:


    Pershendetje kujshi

    Po me vjen shum mire qe dikush i familjes time ka arrit nje sukses te tilee qe per dike as qe eshte e imagjinushme.

    Vetem te deshiroj shum shum suksese ne karier dhe ne jet

    Me respekt Alban Berisha

  4. Genc says:

    Go out there and make us proud :)

    You have our support!

  5. Arbnor says:

    po me vjen shum mir qe dikush nga kosova ka arrit kaq shum posaqerisht ba brestofci me respet baca Milazim Arbnor Berisha nga Hoqa e vogel.

  6. Agron Berisha says:

    Askush nuk mund te beje pershkrimin adekuat te ndjenjave te cilat i pata ne momentin kur pashe dhe degjova iniciativen tuja z.Berisha , eshte nje mrekulli ne vete.
    Le te percjelle fati ne fluturimin tuaj dhe le te ruaje zoti gjate udhetimit …. sukses , me kete na ke nderuar te gjithe neve prandaj behu i nderuar . Good bles you !

  7. B.G.T says:

    Now one must do a “Flying for Abkhazia” site!

  8. kujta says:

    E gjith kosova asht mirnjos per qka juh po bani per kosoven.Faleminderit,zoti ju ndihmoft.

  9. Bujari says:

    Më është rrenqethur trupi sot, je shumë i madh James Berisha na ke dhanë zemër dhe na ke dhanë një nderë shumë te madhe, po ndihem shumë mirë, shpresoi se do te shkoi mbar kjo iniciativë, dhe shpresojmë se do te ja arrish ta hapesh edhe shkollën e pilotimit ne Kosovë. Nderimet e mia me te sinqerta James Berisha. Te ruajt zoti ty dhe familjen tuaj.

  10. alban says:

    Gracias amigos latinos. Got bless america latina. Got bless Albania. Got bless Kosova.

  11. Albulena says:

    I am proud of you James!

  12. Carmen Robledo says:

    Hi James, was a pleasure to met you, you´re a very nice person, good luck in your travel and we hope to see you son here in Toluca, always you´ll be welcome, the Robledo family is whith Kosovo!!!

  13. Avni Hyseni says:

    Greeting/Pershendetje James

    First of all I want to thank you for this amazing journey that you are doing for our country, and I hope you will accomplish this with a great success.

    We really need more people like you; it doesn’t mean that everyone has to fly.
    Worldwide we are not too many people but we are spread all over the world, and for that reason, I believe if everyone put their time and effort as much as possible, that would be a great contribution to Kosova

    James, I wish you all the best and God Bless you

    Although I am curious to know, are you going to make a tour around Canada (Toronto)?

    Best Regards

  14. Nexha says:

    This is very inspiring!
    …. I like your thoughts:`This flag is so much more than just paint, the image represents something so profound for so many people and while I am alive I will never let it become clouded with dirt.”-James Berisha

    GO James,GO!!!
    We are so proud of you!God bless you!

    Take Care

  15. idrizi says:

    me shum respet poti shprehi emocjonet qe na krijove sonte kur isha me shum vemendje duke i degjuar lajmet e RTK me hezitim e qela ket faqe vetem qete jepi koplimente mate perzemrat je shum i madh te lavdron kosova veq vazhdoje qellimin qe ke pershendetje te perzemerta nga klina e kosoves diz

  16. Naseri says:

    E po qka tju themi z.BERISHA ju falimenderit shume e shume here prej te gjitheve pupollit shqiptare per nje iniciative te veshtire qe ke marre per sensibilizimin e njohjes se KOSOVES si SHTET.
    Faliminderit edhe nje here e ZOTI ju ruajt.

  17. Thaci Llapushnik says:

    GO James,GO!!!

    te pershendes edhe te uroj te gjitha te mirat ne jet ,je shum i madh

    dhe vetem keshtu e nderojm luften UCK.

    Kosovar me zemer te madhe

    zoti ju bekoft

    Have a good time



  18. Përshendetje Zotri Berisha je nji nji yll shqipe qe shifesh ne ato krah te fluturakes juaj ne cdo skaj të botës ju lumt vetum për para zoti ju bekoft.

  19. kujtimi says:

    o i nderuar pershendetje te veqant per ty.shum njerz si ti duhet me pas KOSOVA per me ndertu ni shtet qysh duhet..shum mir qe je angazhu per kit projekt apo thuj lir fabrik zoti te shperbleft e ishalla marrin msim shum te tjer e kontribojn ne shtet te tyne KOSOVE ne shum tjer Mnyra..veq vazhdo

  20. jeton says:

    Ju zotri i jepni kombit tone nder e respekt
    nga zamrat ju faliminderit

  21. berati says:

    wi are so proud of you, pershendetje nga londra

  22. Gazmen Orllati says:

    Te pershendtes me rrespekt te madh i nderuari bashkfshatar dhe inderuari Nip Milazim (James) Berisha.
    Te deshiroj shum fat ne ket rrug te gjat se e ke marr per popllin kosovar, vetem Vazhdo keshtu se pa dyshim e ke mbeshtejtj e popllit te kosoves, te dshiroj shum fat, dhe pa lodhje ta krsh ket cil se e ke fillu dhe ti dalish ne fund ashtu se ke deshir ti. shummmmm fat. te fala nga st.galla (swiss)gazmen orllati

  23. Valona says:


    ju pergezoj per ket inicjativ madheshtore qe po beni per te miren e shtetin tone, eshte nje udherrefyes edhe per te tjeret qe te japin kontributin e tyre sa do te vogel.

    Faleminderit qe kemi njerez te till.

    me Resepct Valona, CBS Kosova

  24. Deborah Meeks Durrant says:

    Great tail! love the art!

  25. Didier says:

    Courage James, courage. Des patriotes comme toi pour un monde où le peuple a le droit et le devoir de juger ceux qui le dirigent, il en faut encore et encore.

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