Flying for Kosovo

Recognize Kosovo's Independence!

Lost contacts

Posted by flyingforkosovo On August - 19 - 2011

Dear Friends of the Mission Flying for Kosovo,

We are informing you that we have completely lost contact with James Berisha. He made his last contact on Monday, August 15th from Asmara, Eritrea. His plan was to meet with the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Eritrea and to return to Sudan on Wednesday, August 17th. So far, he has not returned we have no information regarding his location.

James Berisha went from Sudan to Eritrea by a commercial flight, because his plane is still damaged and is it still in Sudan.
We are in constant contact with the American Embassy, which is doing everything possible to locate James. Albanians who work in Sudan are helping us as well.
We are very concerned for the welfare of James and we remain hopeful that he is safe.

We will notify you of any news.


Miq të nderuar të Misionit Flying for Kosovo,

Po ju lajmërojmë që i kemi humbur plotësisht kontaktet me James Berishën. Herën e fundit është lajmëruar ditën e hënë, me datë 15 gusht nga Asmara, Eritrea. Plani i tij ka qenë që të takohet me zyrtarët e Ministrisë së Punëve të Jashtme në Eritrea dhe të mërkurën, me datë 17 të kthehet në Sudan. Deri tani nuk është kthyer dhe nuk është lajmëruar askund.

James Berisha ka fluturuar nga Sudani për në Eritrea me aeroplan komercial, për shkak se aeroplani i tij ende është i prishur dhe gjendet në Sudan.
Jemi në kontakt të vazhdueshëm me Ambasadën Amerikane, e cila po bën çdo gjë që është e mundur për të gjetur vendndodhjen e Jamesit. Një ndihmë të madhe po e ofrojnë edhe shqiptarët që punojnë në Sudan.
Jemi shumë të shqetësuar për mirëqenien e Jamesit dhe mbesim me shpresë që ai gjendet shëndosh e mirë.

Do të ju njoftojmë për çdo lajm të ri.

7 Responses to “Lost contacts”

  1. armir says:

    May God bring him home safely inshallah.

  2. Kujtim says:

    Amin to that bro Armir….

  3. Jelmer, from the Suriname interview says:

    Man.. I really hope that he is doing well. This message is from almost ten days ago?

  4. Arsim shala says:

    We , albanians working in Haiti are praying for him. We met him on his trip to caraibe, and we have shared his excellency. May god help him.

  5. Kamal omer says:

    We asked God to be back in Sudan safe,we are waiting for him to come ,from Artria…..

  6. Naim says:

    Hope and wish James is doing well. Hope he continues flying for us.

  7. mohamed says:

    hi there,firs of all i hope and pray that Mr James is healthy and safe,really he is wonderful man helping his country through that difficult job,i really don’t know how can i express my feelings about what he did to his country,i follow his amazing story’s across Africa and it really amaze me what he did and how hard worker he is so again i pray he is being safe and healthy,i would like to know where his situation is ended up,please..

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