El Paso, Texas, USA, 02/19/2009 – An El Paso resident and native Kosovo pilot is planning to fly throughout all of Central and South America in order to encourage recognition of Kosovo’s newfound independence from Serbia in a trip planned for late March.
James Berisha, 37, of Pristina, Kosovo, (www.flyingforkosovo.com) is planning to depart in his single engine plane from El Paso, TX in late March to more than 30 countries to rally support for newly independent Kosovo which officially became an independent country in February of 2008. Berisha, now an accomplished airline pilot, has made similar flights after graduating Flight Safety Academy in Vero Beach, Florida.
To gain flight hours, Berisha made a more than seventy hour flight from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Skopje, Macedonia. This time he is not in need of flight hours, instead he is funding his journey out of pocket so that he may talk to the people of South America and encourage them to recognize Kosovo’s declaration of independence.
“I will thank those countries who have already recognized us, I will tell the others how important it is for Kosovo to be recognized worldwide, and I will try to end racial stereotypes that belittle our people,” said Berisha about his upcoming journey.
Kosovo has been recognized by 55 out of the 192 UN member states as of the date of this publication.
They are 69 recognizing Rep. of KosovA now and maybe when you will read this comment they will be more
Urime nje vjetori i fillim te misionit tend per njohjen e shtetit tone nga shum shtete qe ende nuk e kane njohur.
Ky angazhim i juaji qe eshte dhe i vetmi i kesaj permase duhet te ndiqet nga shum ne qe jetojm dhe veprojme ne Kosov, por ja qe vetem ju e keni ber kete gje kaq te madhe.
Shpresoj qe vitin tjeter te na njohin te gjitha shtetet dhe kjo sakrific e juaja te mbetet ne Histori.
Alban Berisha
Ju lumt kesi njerz i duhen Dardanis (kosoves)sepse vetem te till mundem me emposht furtunat qe vin ngs kater anet,edhe nje her telumt dhe shum suksese